Saturday, February 26, 2011

views of human nature

hope that u all are fine with the grace of god and going well with your life.
today i have nothing special to say or to share but the only reason for what i have aprroached you is about some true facts about human nature n its behaviour which i myself has felt today so in order to check it by the means of your views i am writing this blog.
man always tries to give his best but in my case whenever i want to do something good it results in a opposite condition.i can hardly remember a moment when i have done something and it has gone in the right way.i dont know why it happens to me?but in order to get the solutions of these problems i was thinking the whole night but was totally helpless and was unable to find the solutions.
i dont know how to get rid of this problems and when ever i asked to myself that would i be able to get the  sucess in this regard i always find myself unanswered so this one kind of human nature that when a person struggles with his own thoughts and feelings he is almost helpless to get the answer in his favour.
   coming on to the another side of this situation when i tried myself to get the views of others in this regard they named it as my own perception and some of them name it as the thoughts of a phillosophical mind and a few of them regard it as my sense of madness, as one of my friend always do to me. whenever i ask him about myself that how can i make my life better or whenever i ask any of my nearest one about  this they simply ignore it. so itz the second most important view of the society upon anyone's feelings.
and the most prominent nature which is the third nature view of any other person regarding any one's thought is that they just ignore it or some of them name it as useless talkings.
so these are the feelings of the society around me about my thoughts n i must say that its not in my case only instead its in the case of the human community as a whole.
so i should say that we must respect the feelings of one another as its the only way through which we can come closer to every one in the society or if we can't respect it then we dont have the right to make fun of it as it can hurt someone.
i just shared it with you people because this things happend with me no. of times but still i have the ability to share the feelings b'coz i know that everybody has a soft corner in his heart so one day this softness will melt all the hard and rude natures of humanity one day.
i will also suggest to the people who are always being hurt byt others to just keep their feelings inside nand not to share it as a few of them can make fun of it.
so feelings are various ways of can strike someones mind or it may can change someone's life.
at last i must say that  feelings n emotions are the great captains of our lives n we must obey them n respect them otherwise it can these captains can keep us systemetically away from its real feeling.

hope that u all will respect 
each one's feelings n emotions 
with love n respect

Thursday, February 17, 2011

मेरी सोच

नमस्कार दोस्तों ........
आशा है आप सब कुशल होंगे बहुत दिन हुए आप सबों से मुखातिब हुए तो मैंने सोचा की क्यूँ ना आज आप लोगों का हाल चल ले लिया जाए?
आज एक बार फिर मेरे मन में एक अजीब सी उहा पोह मची है और इसका कारण क्या है ये शायद मुझे भी पता नहीं !!
मेरे विचार से  ये इस लिए है क्यूंकि मैं एक बार फिर अपने भविष्य को लेकर चिंतित हूँ ,एक बार फिर मुझे ये लग रहा है की पता नहीं मैं जीवन में कभी एक सफल इंसान  बन पाऊंगा या नहीं शायद इसका  जवाब मुझे पहले की तरह ही अपने आप से ढूंढना पडेगा और हो भी क्यूँ ना आखिर समस्या भी तो मेरी ही है.
खैर छोडिये मैं आपको एक बहुत ही मनोरंजक  बात बताता हूँ जो मैंने कल रात महसूस की -
कल जब मैं अपनी पढाई कर रहा था तो मेरे दिमाग एक बात आई और वो ये की इस देश में हजारों लाखों  बच्चे ऐसे हैं जिनका भविष्य अंधकारमय है और जिनकी पढाई लिखाई का सपना बिलकुल वैसे ही धूमिल है जैसे कडकडाती ठण्ड में धुंध से आसमान और तभी मैंने फिर ये सोचा की मैं जो हमेसा अपनी ही बातें करता हूँ और हमेसा अपने ही बारे में सोचता हूँ कितना गलत हूँ क्यूंकि इस देस में मुझसे भी  ज्यादा पीड़ित और मुझसे भी ज्यादा दुखी लोग हैं जिनकी व्यथा सुनने वाला यहाँ कोई नहीं है, आज भी कई ऐसे लोग हैं जो हर वक़्त सिर्फ यही सोचते हैं की कभी कोई मसीहा आएगा और कोई चमत्कार होगा और तब मुझे लगा की कितना सहस है इस देस के उन लोगों में जो सदियों से आज भी एक सकारात्मक मानसिकता लिए और उम्मीदों के सपने अपनी आँखों में संजोये जीवन व्यतीत कर रहे हैं . तो फिर मैं तो एक सक्षम पुरुष हूँ जो हर व्यवस्था से परिपूर्ण है जब वैसे लोग अपने जीवन से उम्मीद रख सकते हैं तो आप और हम क्यूँ नहीं?
मैं धन्यवाद देता हूँ देस कउन करोड़ों ऐसे लोगों को जिन्होंने मुझे एक नकारात्मक मानसिकता का शिकार होने से बचा लिया और मैं उने इस लिए भी धन्यवाद देता हूँ क्यूंकि इन्ही की वजह से मुझे एक नयी दिशा मिली अपने जीवन के लक्ष्य के साथ आगे जाने की और उससे पाने की.
मैं ऐसे लोगों को कोटि कोटि प्रणाम करता हूँ.
इश्वर करे उनके जीवन में ज़रूर रौशनी हो और वो लोग अपने संघर्षमय जीवन से आगे बढ़कर जीवन में कुछ हासिल करें और इसी तरह से हम जैसे लोगों के जीवन के प्रेरणा के श्रोत बने रहें.

मुस्कुराते रहिय-
आपका अपना 
आपका दिन मंगलमय हो.......

Monday, February 14, 2011

मेरी रचनाएँ

मित्रों नमस्कार.........
आज जो मैं आप लोगों क साथ बांटने जा रहा हूँ वो मेरी बचपन की यादों क पन्नों से चुराए हुए कुछ शब्द हैं जो मैंने कविता क रूप में आप लोगों क सामने रखने काप्रयास किया है उम्मीद करता हूँ की आप लोगों को ये कविता पसंद आएगी ..........
ये कविता मैंने उस वक़्त लिखी थी जब मैंने कुछ बच्चों को स्कूल जाते देखा और खुद के समय को याद किया तब मुझे लगा की क्यूँ ना मैं भी कुछ शब्दों क माध्यम से अपनी बचपन की यादों को तारो ताज़ा करूँ और तभी मेरे दिमाग में ये कविता करने का ख्याल आया........
मेरी ये कविता मेरी बचपन की उन शरारतों और यादों से जुडी हैं जो मैंने कभी अनजाने में और कभी जानबूझ कर की थी.
मेरी कविता का शीर्षक है .......
                                                           बचपन की यादें GGGGDG
                                                       भुलाये नहीं भूलते वो बचपने के दिन
                                                     बिताये जो मैंने कितनी खुशियों के  साथ 
                                                            वो माँ की लोरी 
                                                           वो पिता का हाथ
                                                          वो  भाई  बहन  का प्यार
                                                            वो दोस्तों का साथ 
                                                            वो खेलता हुआ चेहरा 
                                                             वो हर वक़्त सुनेहरा  
                                                             जहाँ की मैंने  मस्ती
                                                               और घुमा बस्ती - बस्ती 
                                                                 ना था कोई टेंशन 
                                                                और ना ही डीप्रेशन
                                                                  ना पढाई की थी चिंता 
                                                                   ना फिक्र थी खाने की 
                                                                जहाँ ना था थकने का एहसास 
                                                                     और ना हीं फिक्र स्कूल जाने की
                                                                      जिसने दी मुझे दिशा 
                                                                    जीवन में आगे जाने की
                                                                          कैसे भुला दूँ मैं
                                                                          यादें उस ज़माने की ?
                                                                                                                                                                               दोस्तों आज के लिए बस इतना ही
फिर मिलेंगे और तब होंगी फिर कुछ नयी बातें  और फिर करेंगे कुछ नए विषयों पर चर्चा तब तक के लिए मुझे दीजिये इज्जाज़त
फिर मिलेंगे
आपका जीवन मंगलमय हो........
आपका अपना 
एस. के.


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Hi.... Friends......
2day a new turning point came in arushi hemraj murder case as  cbi has put her parents on trial.........
it's no denying the fact that her soul is still facing injustice even after her body knows that how she lost her life but our law is playing games with her soul as they are still unable to put the victims behind the bars.
  As far as the question of involving her parents is concern it is still not clear but on the other hand i would also say that they must be put behind the bars if they are involved in it...... but how can we do that as our law is completely flexible.......
regarding this flexiblity we have a no. of  examples in our country n the most prominent example is azmal kassab whom we are giving full protection.
It is the flexiblity of our law that kassab is still alive.I question to the law that is it the rght of our country to safeguard this people or is it our duty to hang them,i think this question is still unanswered for us.
  in the same way arushi a 14 yr. old girl was brutally murdered nobody knows whatever the reasons are?
friends it is a burning issue now a days that this innoncent girl is still facing injustice even after several years of her death.
  god has given us this life and nobody has the right to snatch it up then who r we to take it away......
is it not an abuse to humanity or a condemn of relations?
whatever the reasons may be it is still injustice to the whole human society.......

dats it for 2day                                                                                                    your's


Tuesday, February 8, 2011


hi friends
now after telling u about me i m now going to tell u some thing about friendship which i think every body should know.
friendship is the wealth that generally each n everybody have but a very few of them knows how to preserve it...... n rest of them took it as a means of entertainment so for those who took it as entertainment let me tell u that its a very prercious gift which god has given us n it is also the most valuable thing in dis world according to my opinion i m quite sure that most of us donot take it seriously but there are still some person who regard friendship as their precious wealth.
regarding this topic i must quote one of the lines which i think everybody knows is
We have a number of examples from past to present in order to understand the value of friendship for example we have the example of krishna and sudama who really proved the value of friendship.
in my opinon it is the weapon through which we can defend the worms of angriness and jelousy which is now a days very much dominant in todays youths
so i appeal all my friends who ever read this blog to rely always on true friendship whetaher it is a true love or somewhat else so that we can make this world a better place to live in or i can say "HEAVEN".

dats it
for 2day                                                                                     with love
                                                                                                   yours shivek(sk)


about myself

myself shivek born on 10th nov. 1989 at gaya completed my 10th n 12th studies there itself n later on i moved to hyderabad in efl university for learning a foreign language n right now i m in jnu pursuing d same course but one thng is dat i m very much passonate about my goals n i do some kind of poetry in hindi n dats my hobby
but i m very much unlucky as i dont hv frndz n moreover they hv very much bad assumptions about me..........
i tried ma best to make them understnd all d time but i failed whnevr i tried for dis i failed but i hv not given up i m sure n confident dat the day iss not so far when they will understnd me n i will b a better person for them apart from dis i m very much confident about myself having a just do attitude with full dedication
as i m a differently challenged person so i request to all the person of differently challenged category not to loose their patience n go ahead in lyf in order to get success
so frnds dats it for 2day keep reading my blogs for further updates...... n also to knw the truth of ma lyf.........